AFECO offers tailor-made advanced Electrical and Gas fired heat processing technology required for FERROUS & NON FERROUS metal process industries applications like, Heat Treatment, Melting, Forging, Drying, Baking, etc.
AFECO also manufactures and provides hot material handling and Rapid Quenching Manipulator charging systems with SCADA/PLC/PID precision temperature & Process Controlling System. Providing the highly energy efficient solution with at the latest technology is our key specialty.
Our core competency lies in designing highly energy efficient, durable, environmental friendly Heat Treatment Furnaces, Industrial Ovens and Heating systems for ferrous and non ferrous metallurgical industries as well as steel, aluminium extrusion, automobile industries. Assurance of optimum price performance ratio is unique feature of our furnace designs. Types of Furnaces :- aluminium melting furnace, bogie hearth furnace, box type furnace, reverberatory furnace, car bottom furance, oil fired furnace, gas furnace, gas fired furnaces, Tilting Furnace, industrial furnaces etc.
We have more than 1000 satisfied clients all over the globe with core clientele from Steel Foundry /Forging /Investment casting and Aluminium Extrusion, Aluminium Process foundry industry. Our furnaces are successfully implemented in industries manufacturing Airplane Parts, Defense Equipments, Nuclear Plants, Automobile, Aluminium and Steel industry.
With experience of more than 25 years and with highly updated technical knowledge supplemented by expertise design “AFECO” is striving to become one of the most recognized leading brands globally.
Our expert solutions make clients unanimously believe our USP, AFECO HEATING SYSTEMS - Where Precision Controlled Technology Meets Energy Efficiency.